Sadly no. My Papa (grandfather) went for a surgery for cancer and he didn't tell me or my mum about it and only told us the day after I was supposed to read it so I was very emotional and just watched Bolt and Criminal Minds for the entire time until I was allowed to visit. When I was going to read it again my entire house hold( My mum, step-dad and myself-not my dogs though,they were fine) got some sort of sickness bug and I had it worse out of the 3 because I couldn't eat anything without throwing it up or feeling dizzy. And having to share the bathroom with my parents was not easy either. Then I remembered I had 2 tests coming up. My languages test and a math's test. One tomorrow and one next Friday. So I have zilch time to read it until I know I have complete free time. And only a few hours ago my papa got rushed to hospital in an Ambulance so my head is everywhere and I can't concentrate. But I will try and get back to you :)