so hello
im very aware on the fact i haven't really updated anything. school has been annoying, life has been busy and i haven't been feeling emotionally well. im hoping i can update before next year, but it all just depends on how im feeling. but really honestly i've been feeling burnt out and so emotionally exhausted. school has been kicking my ass, and i sort of have this job thing and im dealing with so many sudden changes in my life and it's all so emotionally drained as heck. so im going on a hiatus, so i can figure out my life and everything. imma miss you all, and reading so many awesome stories but you know i got to figure out my life first. hopefully i'll be back before next year but idk. im 90% sure i won't log on till next year, so in short, i wanna say thanks to all the awesome people who've supported me this year and also thanks to all the amazing writers, you're stories made my day, for so many days this year. i love you all.
see you all soon ♡