Hello everyone.
It is currently 3:19 am on Friday morning. And I had been editing and proof reading the chapter 6 and 7 I should be getting out to you all today.
But just as everything else in my life does, something went wrong. I'm not gonna say exactly what or how because it is extremely embarrassing. I would just like to know that neither chapter 6 nor chapter 7 will be out today. They will not be out tomorrow or the day after. But they will be out.
The will be published and ready for you to read even if my heart stops as I press the publish button. You will read these glorious chapters and we will all live happy lives knowing chapter 6 and 7 exist in this universe.
But for now, I am sorry for the inconvenience and I grant you a good morning and a peaceful afternoon.
Lots and lots of love, Angelina