this message may be offensive
I will be working on Chapter 10 of Completely Reckless. I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to write chapters 10-12 and publish it that way or just publish them individually, but you can expect a chapter soon.
I Should Kill You Where You Lie: this story will probably get renamed because it's so fucking long. I have a few ideas in mind what to call it, but nothing set in stone. As far as publishing goes I will be working on chapter 2 in between working on CR.
I also have a surprise I'm working on for you guys, and it's been in the works for a log time coming, I just need clean everything up and run some things by a friend. Please be patient with this one because it has so much work put into it, but I've just neglected it because I get caught up in self pity and life in general.
~Sorry I'm a cunt, I'm trying.
Kae Sienna xx