
hEYo guess what im doing a collab fic with @ToTheStarsAndMoon and its going to be organized and gREAT unlike any of my other fics dear lord


guyyys i might write a wandering eye fic
          whaddya say? yes you want to see this happen? or no, thats a terrible idea


does no one in the woy community on wattpad ship wandering eye
            am i the only one
            wandering eye is peepers and wander btw


I really wish Wattpad had a function much like that of Facebook, where you can follow someone because you're friends with them, but mute random updates on books you don't want to read or if they commented on that one fanfic of a ship you hate. Come on wattpad, please?
          BTW I have inspiration for a new book that I may or may not be making. TBH I don't know if I'll be able to finish anything up
          I'm losing inspiration
          I'm getting writers block
          I'm forgetting ideas
          I'm losing my grip on life
          Lol JK on that last one, but really...


lol only keeping this post now so that wattpad will see it hopefully.
            @wattpad lookylooky


@TOTHESTARSANDMOON , you already know the story, it was the thing I was obsessed with in 5th grade. I'm revamping it, making it better than it originally was. Despite that, don't look forward to it.


Hey, I love your pinescone story! I like they way you write, keep up the amazing work! Have an amazing day/night :)