
I'm freaking out rn im in vacation in Destin, Flordia and that is a place in Hurricane Micheal's path. I can't believe something with the same name as Micheal Mell could be so terrible! I'm just glad I am with my friends. and I'm a bit sad that I only got to go to the beach for O N E D A Y. But anyways, if you're in the path of this Hurricane I hope that you will be okay. I'm on the toilet typing this and im f r e a k i n g o u t.


@completemusicaltrash Michael's mad that someone messed with Jeremy


I'm freaking out rn im in vacation in Destin, Flordia and that is a place in Hurricane Micheal's path. I can't believe something with the same name as Micheal Mell could be so terrible! I'm just glad I am with my friends. and I'm a bit sad that I only got to go to the beach for O N E D A Y. But anyways, if you're in the path of this Hurricane I hope that you will be okay. I'm on the toilet typing this and im f r e a k i n g o u t.


@completemusicaltrash Michael's mad that someone messed with Jeremy


I changed my profile picture and background cause aesthetics or some crap idk can you blame me for liking pastel pink I love that color


@completemusicaltrash  ALWAYS BE AWARE OF AUTO CORRECT!


this message may be offensive
I did not mean to say duck I was typing to quick I meant to say fuck


I ducking hate pastel pink