how can I ever fall in love with you again?
this sweater, in my dreams, dreaming it's you
those hands and nails,
that skin against bare bones, muscle, your veins, and innards.
you're skin holding you close and comfortable.
O', I've gone insane.
do me again and again, take this mind and riddle it again with your words, you riddler.
I love how you've mixed me.
I love how you think so subtly of me. and why do you smile at me so much. not one day, do you laugh at my face, is it that I'm ugly?
how come your beautiful smile shows when I'm around you? you confuse me, is there something wrong with my face, is that why you smile at me? are you laughing?
I hate it how i think of myself, but I love you. so how can I actually truly love you when I cringe and cry of the thoughts that I've done to you?
I wish I could have shown you what my true love actually is.
and I wish I could have told you a simple kiss wasn't supposed to signature my love. I was happy to kiss you for the reason I was in love with you, and you didn't even like me. you, you, I hate you.