
hey, guys! quick update at 4:20am (tw: brief mention of surgery complications): i’m about 15 hours post-op, but I had to have emergency surgery because I developed a pretty serious hematoma. it’s been about 5 hours since I came out of that surgery, and i’m in stable condition! i’m now just chilling (wide awake) in the hospital room, enjoying my 18th bday alone until my mom comes in the morning lolll


@composingsam ooh. glad you survivedd <33


hi sam, a month since your last update/reply, i hope you are doing well and things are going just fine!! please update whenever you can:))


hi! it’s been a rocky past couple months, though i’m getting through. there’s been a lot going on, so I haven’t had the time/motivation to write :( i’ll have off from school coming up after finals week, so i’m hoping to try and write then :)


Getting worried… Hopefully you’re safe and okay. ❤️ Don’t rush yourself into doing anything.


@composingsam oh ok❤️you must be really busy then :> Take your time❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
im sorry for the delayed response, but i’m okay!! i’ve just been rly busy with college shit and recovery, so I haven’t really have the time (or motivation tbh) to update I have a break coming up, so i’m hoping to get back to writing then


hey, guys! quick update at 4:20am (tw: brief mention of surgery complications): i’m about 15 hours post-op, but I had to have emergency surgery because I developed a pretty serious hematoma. it’s been about 5 hours since I came out of that surgery, and i’m in stable condition! i’m now just chilling (wide awake) in the hospital room, enjoying my 18th bday alone until my mom comes in the morning lolll


@composingsam ooh. glad you survivedd <33


Hi, everyone! the past week, i’ve been drowning in school work and everything with surgery being in a couple days n it’s rly taking a toll on my health. that being said, i’m unsure if i’ll be able to have the next chapter up on friday. I will post it whenever I can, but I don’t want to half-ass something just to meet the deadline, yk? I hope you all understand. <3


hey, everyone! for these next few weeks, i have a lot going on (school starting, surgery, birthdays, etc), so i will only be uploading on Friday's for now. I want to be sure that my chapters aren't rushed and that i'm not stressing myself out to the max while recovering from surgery. as scheduled, a new chapter will be up tmrw! I hope you all understand <3


New posting schedule: Monday's and Friday's! 
          I've found that the lack of a strict schedule has caused me to fall behind/push back publishing, so I'm going to try and adhere to this! The time of the uploads will most likely vary for the first couple, but I'm hoping to setting a specific time at some point lol