
Hello all, Long time no post. The newest Short story is from the Warhammer Universe so a little fan-fiction for a change. Hope you enjoy!


Hello to all my readers, It has been far too long since my last update. So to get things moving I am doing a new story called Surge! Doing a different writing style and will try update daily this will be a one off story and afterwards I plan to continue with my Espex Trilogy. So please keep reading, enjoying and voting. Thank you.


Hello all,  A short chapter today but it does highlight the arrival of an old character hopefully fans will enjoy it. I also updated my The Abyss with another sort story, I may turn it into a series as it is kind of a cool idea not to sure yet. Still focused on Samth The Angelic. 
          As always please enjoy, vote and leave feedback.


Hello to all my fans, I would like to announce that Dypes the Soul Keeper is finished I have uploaded the last chapter!!! Do not worry however because the story is far from finished. As a Special little extra the next book shall be called. 
          Samth The Angelic. 
          I will also be redoing some of the older chapters to update errors and such and place chapter numbers on them.  Also I will be updating a few other books I am writing and uploading mini shorts. 
          As always thanks for reading, please vote and leave feedback.


Been a few days since I have updated but that is because I am rereading my story and finding errors and fixing them as I do so. Hopefully this new chapter will keep fans happy until a new chapter is up. 
          As usual thanks for reading and if you enjoy please vote and leave feedback.