Some nights are difficult to pass....
When waves of the past hit me. I hold on to those memories like a precious locket, but the tide sweeps me deep into an ocean of grief and agony over losing someone dear to me. The locket of memories grows heavier around my neck, pulling me down. Now, I have no choice but to let go. With trembling hands, I break the necklace, watching the locket sink into the depths.
I survived..... but at the cost of losing the most precious thing I held onto.
Yet, my heart remains the greatest keeper of memories. So don’t worry.... as long as I’m alive, I won’t forget you. I still remember everything you loved, everything you hated. I tried the things that once brought you joy, and in that moment, I saw you near me.
I strive to embrace the things you cherished, hoping that, even for a fleeting second, I could feel you within me.