
New Welcome to the Fire update >>


Hello author, if you’re not comfortable reposting your work anymore can you at least privately dm me a link to the google doc or word document you have it saved under. The welcome to the fire book and outtakes were very comforting books I read at a low point in my life and I’d really like to read them again. Please consider this, thank you 


Hi, I really enjoyed reading welcome to the fire and outtakes and it’s fine if you don’t want to keep writing the story but can you please just upload it so I can read it from time to time. It was a really great story last time I read it and I know that my opinion won’t change no matter what. Thank you author 


Hi! Sorry if the comments about updating "Welcome to the fire" put pressure on you. But updated or not, I loved to re-read it occasionally. Today, however, I realised that it has been deleted. Idk the circumstances you're under RN but if things are stable at your end, we would really appreciate it if you could re-upload it! I hope you're doing well and sending the best of wishes. Thank you for crafting such a classic fanfic


hi ellie! i love your book 'welcome to the fire'! it is so cleverly and beautifully written, something rare to find in wattpad. i wish you update the book and hopefully finish it–the suspense is killing all of your readers. 
          i hope you are doing well in your life. 
          a reader


Do you have it saved by any chance so I can read it