
I have just read your stories and consequently I am speechless for the beauty in which you write is amazing. I just wanted to express my gratitude towards you and tell you to never ever give up on writing. I promise you that one day you will succeed as an author. I can tell all of this from reading four pages, two stories crafted by your simplistic elegance. Thank you for doing what you do, this made my day. 


@awkwardly_graceful I haven't been on this account in months and I'm really sorry for this ridiculously late reply. All I can say is thank you so very much for this wonderful message. This made MY day xoxo


Girl I have to say I love your background! Are you from Britain?


@thebloodofhers omg I can't there's honestly just too many I don't even think I can do top 5 artists/bands but if you're interested I guess I could tell you my favorite artists (there's so many ahhhhhh) and you could tell me your top five songs (if you're able to choose haha).  Do you want to continue this over pm? :)


@thebloodofhers for each band or in general?