
Ugh, what I'd give for some candy right now.


Hey so I saw that u have discontinued your halo metroid server.  I put this comment on the story and I wanted to ask u too.  Can I try continue the story?  I just saw that it wasn't touched for two years and just wanted to ask so I wouldn't be "stealing" your stuff.


@RedAnt117 story* not server




@Gh0stHunt sure thing! Have a good evening... Or morning... Just have a good day. 


@Gh0stHunt ah I see well if you get the chance read mine


Are you okay Coocoo?
          Your last chapter in Blood in the snow was heavily concering.
          I can understand if you don't want to talk about it but your entire audience is here for you


            That's a good idea. It's okay to be embarrassed. And definitely lay off the coffee


@CrawlingFromTheChaos I did as you said and edited the chapter. I feel kinda embarrassed. Maybe I should lay off on the coffee


            It sounds very rough for ya. I've almost lost someone myself due to suicide(I was lucky enough to talk them out of it before hand) And I don't want another creative soul dying on anyone Because you have brought some joy to our lives through your stories and they have been a please to read for us all. If your ever feeling more depressed or unwanted. Send us a message or get in contact with someone. We'd hate to lose you. I'd recommend Editing and explaining the chapter and taking a break to relax. I hope everything improves on your end. Good luck.


Hey, thank you for your comments and for reading my books! I'm glad you like them :D


@coocookachoo4132 Aw you're so nice!! I hope you like the rest of my stuff :) After you finish Edge of the World, I'd recommend Star-Crossed, which is YA paranormal/teen fic. It's probably my best writing so far :) Have a great day!


@masheena aw shucks, stop your making me blush (\\\•-•\\\). I know a good writer when I see one, been reading books all my life, digital or otherwise. I look forward to reading more of your books. And thank you for the comments and replying to mine. Till next time, friend.


Can you please update your Metroid/Halo story? I am sorry if I am annoying you but I have followed many stories and only ONE has updated besides yours which was once. I thought this site was better than until I realized two things 1. No one ever seems to update and 2. You can't browse stories from most recently updated. So can you please give me a reason why I shouldn't just stop wasting my time hoping someone will update?


@Cstrange14 if it's alright with you, I'm going to sleep now. I'm not ready to pull an allnighter yet. I'll continue to write tomorrow.


@Cstrange14 I was trying to sign in but I think it sensed that I'm a wattpad user so it denied my request (sarcasm).


Very unmotivated right now. Update in the near future. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience but as i said, it may take a while for me to update but I WILL update. please be patient with me. I'm going through some rough times right now. I hope you can understand. Love you all and thank you for spending some of your precious time to read my stories. Again love you guys and thank you.