I lost my other account due to me not remembering my password because it was the first time I had logged off in months. (Which was also accidental.) I'm not sure how many followers I had on my last page. (Not sure what my last accounts name was.. Oops!) but please check out my new story "Australian Souls." Intro has been posted. Working on the other chapters now. I'm really excited on how it's coming out so when you get the chance check it! I have 3 other chapters done so if I get enough followers I'll begin posting more! Feedback is needed! I did start it as a 5 Seconds of Summer imagine (addicted to writing those lol) so if you find one of the guys names in it please notify me so I can change is ASAP!! While reading it. each boy in the book IS based off the guys in 5SOS's looks. Just an FYI. Also. Give me some ideas! I'm always open for different character. Setting or chapter ideas! Any feedback is appreciated! Or if anything in the story doesn't make sense also let me know so I can either explain it or change it ASAP so everyone can enjoy it!! Thanks lovelies!