Keep writing why stop? You always to me mine were good and I listened to you and I still write mine despite the fact I think they're the crappiest books ever. Yours are 73438842905 times better then mine
Helloooooooooo everyone! Once again sorry I haven't posted in a while. Iv been busy but I'm still writing. Are you guys liking the new book? Please give me feedback! Thanks! :)
Now I have a game for you. Once you read this you must send it to 10 of your faveorite girls =) Youur next 5 days will be like this:
Day 1: You will wake up to find the biggest shock of your life.
Day 2: You will cross paths with and old friend you have missed.
Day 3: You will come to find yourself with A LOT of money.
Day 4: Your day will be perfect.
Day 5: The love of your life will fall head over heels in love with you