Your stories are so GOOD! You are like hands down the best yandere fic author I have ever chanced upon. Most yandere stories are predictable, the usual stalking, killing, kidnapping, torture and what not. But your stories have deep and meaningful plot. You never know what's going to happen next and you keep coming back for MORE! I'M SO INVESTED IN THE 28TH STOP. The storyline is so interesting and the way the Yandere themes doesn't just happen all at once but has like stages is so real. The characters are so human it's insane. YOUR STORIES ARE SO DELICIOUS FOR MY BRAIN. Immediately After I caught up with the latest chapter of the 28th stop. I went on to read WEBCORE and it's soooooo amazing and despite it just being a fic I learnt so much. The MC's life was scarily similar to mine and it really made me rethink my life choices and want to do better. I can't wait to read more of your amazing works! Thank you for existing. Literally! God bless you.

@Pink_atmosphere oh my goodness, thank you so much for your kind words it makes me so happy that my fics have had that much of an impact!!