also, i don't have a set updating schedule yet. i have some chapters written down already, but it's a bit wishy-washy so we'll see. just keep your eyes peeled, and i'll let you know!
also, i don't have a set updating schedule yet. i have some chapters written down already, but it's a bit wishy-washy so we'll see. just keep your eyes peeled, and i'll let you know!
ok guys i've started something new! i know i've been gone for a while and you've been stuck with my short story, but i've finally gotten the courage to post this. i hope you like it!! and please, don't be shy to leave comments or anything, i'll read them all!
so since I've been consecutively been updating on Wednesdays, I've decided to make that my official update day for Darkest Bloom (speaking of, I've already posted a new chp for today). enjoy!