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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀─͓─̷─── ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Don't tell me that! you decide, I'll do .. whatever you ask me to! .. Even, Even kill, I would kill for you. Don't doubt it. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ susurra aquello último de forma juguetona más por supuesto, habla decidida & òó9 : fijarse en las reacciones ajenas, sutil sonrisa sobre sus labios al deparar cuidadosamente en sus facciones, escuchando todo suelta una risa nasal. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀« ¡Ah! No no no, no es .. essso » I—I just think about it .. I don't know what you mean exactly! But .. ehm ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ juntar manos { propias }, jugando con aquellas. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Your company is something I appreciate .. as much as you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ look down + pensar que más decir, más bien como.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Look: I like that you trust me, it makes me ..⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ inconsciente su cola se agita, entrecierra los ojos y sonríe. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀« Me hace .. ¡muy, muuuy feliz! » .. But, whenever I think of you, there is something that overwhelms me. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ manita en el mentón, alzar mirada para verla. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀¿Eh? It is not bad! Quite the opposite, actually. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ sobarse la nuca ft sigh. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It's a nice thing, I assure you. I like it when... I think about you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ soft blush, cerrar ojitos sin saber cómo continuar. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I can also say nonsense, See? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀/ giggles.

⠀⠀⠀⠀────────── / giggles ft entornar ojos, asentir. of course, of course. / soft pat pat & alzar cejita al ver su reacción, quedarse quieta con una enorme ? en la jeta ft parpadear. eh? / oo. just a little bit— d-do you think we should go home? / acercarse & se asoma por sobre su hombro, miradita expectante. .. are you okay, cookie? / ponerse frente a ella ft mirar fijo, preocupada.

⠀⠀⠀⠀────────── / panic nd soft smile, negar w manitas. o—of course not! It's just .. / levantarse nd tomarle las manitas, atrayendole hacia ella. cucurucho is my friend too, he's just doing his job. i know he would never hurt me, not on purpose. you wouldn't have to worry about him / look down ft sigh, giggles. aand i'm sure u are a very good bodyguard! / tomar su rostro con las manos, acariciando con cariño sus mejillas. cookie, trust me when o say there are only three people I would put my life in the hands of, and you are one of them. / pequeño silencio ft giggles. well, you're right. but let's not think about that— and you don't have anything to thank me for either. / ûû.


/ giggles. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ I think it's okay, it's not necessary. / acercarse, estirando su mano para tocar su cabeza && soft caresses hair. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ So do you also like to keep an eye on people, hm? I think you two have something in common. / funny smile. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ It's like traveling .. Traveling is fun! Although I guess you'd like to take a break from them sometimes. / think, titl head. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ Then we agree, you will stay with me. / tomar mejillas && kiss forehead. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ Pff— I think I understand now. / laugh.

─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ but maybe i should look for him. / mirar alrededor ft giggles, raise eyebrow. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ reallyyyy? okay, i trust you / entrecerrar ojitos, titl head. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ i would be very upset if you leave me alone again ! / ùú face. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ i want you to stay with me. i would feel safer being with you .. i–i mean, i wouldn't worry about knowing that you were okay. / manita sobre la nuca ft look down, soft blush. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ .. oh. that's one way of looking at it. / mirar detenidamente hacia ella, parpadeos nd sonreír de repente.

─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ i think he watches over everyone. / think ft encoger hombros w ôō. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ who? oh– he's big and white. he's always with me if he's not with someone else .. so it's weird not hearing from him. sure he'll be showing up soon. / giggles. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ then you and i have a deal, right ? / golpecito suave w mocking tone ft laugh. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ sure, it's better this way. / sigh nd mirar atenta, luego voltear a ella. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ what do you think ? nice, isn't it ? / soft smile.

te mando respuesta por acá y te debo la de disc un rato más, tengo fiebre y dolor de cabeza, la chamba me tiene derrotada TOT

─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ pff, i understand. it's like feeling like cucurucho is spying on you and suddenly jumps out. / giggles. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ he always does it, i'm surprised he's not home right now– ¿eh? i didn't expect that .. i will keep my promise. / asentir ft smile. subir después de ella, caminado hacia las sillas que dan al punto justo del atardecer. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ of course, i made sure that i could see my son in the best possible way every day. / sentarse en una de ellas, mirando hacia el horizonte. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ come here, with me, it's better this way. / darle pequeñas palmaditas al asiento al lado suyo. ─͓─̷─̷̶─̶─ he just come for a few minutes.

me encanta ✨ ♡ traumadúo ♡ por eso cellbi y jaiden eran besties, pq están igual de locos. y roier cubito tuvo un ex pndejo como michael en chafaland, esos goals LIT, BAFTA