So I just wanted to say please update
Cause I'm honestly dying rn
I read it and now I feel tortured
Not that it's bad it's amazing but I'm just dying to know what happens next...
So update and I'll Marry you
*makes serious face which ends up looking like constipated face*
Don't u hv summer holidays rn?
(If you live in the NH )
Cause here in India ,well at least in Delhi -it's so hot -and by hot I mean hot like 40 degrees
And I'm sitting at home and waiting for you to update.
So if it makes you happy...
I went and voted on every single chapter including the A/N 's
So I hope you love me too
Even though I might sound like a total creep face
I promise I am not .
Well a little maybe
I swear I'll tell everyone I know about your story and vote on ever single chapter.
So update