TRANSLATIONS (Post from 8 Oct 2019) :
I've received a lot of translation requests for some of my stories to which I'm grateful for that people find the stories that I've written to be interesting enough that they wish to have them translated to other languages.
I've given permission to only a couple of stories. However, someone requested to translate one of my completed chaptered stories and due to my own personal reasons, I did not give the permission for any translation of that particular story. Later on, I found out that the translation was still done despite my decision to deny permission and the story was translated to another language which was not the language that the person previously asked of.
(eg: Person asked to translate to Language A, I denied permission, Person translated to Language B instead without my knowledge but never credited me and changed the title and have it posted in a different platform)
While I have already dealed with it, this situation has brought me to the decision that starting from today onwards, I will not allow any translation to any of my stories. That way, it is easier for me, so that people will not manipulate my statement or responses.
I apologize to those who wish to spread the stories to other readers who do not read in English and I appreciate those who have asked and respected my decision.
So in conclusion, I'm repeating:
Thank you.