
I know how you feel about people being better then you. Trust me I know. That's why I practice so freaking much. I think if you like someone's art practice drawing like them. That's what I do. I hope you become a great drawer one day. :3


Thank you for taking down the book. I didn't want to say anything, because I didn't want to stir up drama, but I did know what you were doing to I and other's artwork. With every new art thief, other people create art theft accounts. It's like the circle of plagiarism. I'm very glad you took down the book, most people wouldn't do such a thing. Thank you for reading.


Thank you for taking down the book, I really appreciate it! ^^ If you decide to post your own art, I'll gladly vote and comment! 


That's understandable, I wish you the best of luck!  Who knows, maybe I'll stumble across your new account someday ^^
            And just a tip for when you start your new account! 
            Don't focus so muxh on gaining popularity. Make good friends instead. When I first started out, I tried SO HARD to get Usagi to notice me cause I wanted to be big like her. But even when she replied to me and actually did take a look at my first art book, it didn't really make me happy, or proud of myself. But what did make me happy was a certain random stranger who commented and voted on all my chapters. She gave me so many ideaa, always complimented my work, and we even eventually made a group account with other friends! Thing is, she, and the others had even less followers than I did at the time, and most of them couldn't draw to save their lives. So I made TONS of drawings for our little group, and imrpoved a little bit with each one. What will drivw you to improve and help you truly grow isn't being noticed by big accounts. It's finding your own inspiration and encouraging others in turn. ^^ 
            Just a secret for here, I've always enjoyed talking to the snaller account artists more than I have the big ones. There's this sort of underlying excitement and drive that seems to come through with them that I don't see as much in the big accounts that have already made a nane for themselves (*^o^*)


but im going to try to set up a new account and give it a go but i still feel extremely bad and guilty 


are u even trying to make that book believable lol