
It happened again, the internet is down. Wont be able to post that much. Sorry I haven't done my daily updates. The days have been crazy and hectic recently. I'll try to post when I've internet again. 


Hey guys... so my internet has been shut off so I won't be able to post for a while. I'll try to post as often as I can until my internet is back online (which might be a few weeks) through my phone. Love you guys, and thank you for the patience.


Got mentioned for the first time a few days ago. Although cool, please do not mention me again if it's just answering random questions. If it has to do with you wanting me to see any fanart or stories, than go ahead tag me as much as you like (unless I say otherwise in the future.) [If the person who'd mentioned me reads this, don't feel guilty or anything. Still love ya ^_^]


I changed my mind. I will be posting everyday (unless things come up) until school starts. Sorry for the confusion and thank you all so much for checking out my stories and thank you for even following me. It means so much. :) Have a great day / night (ya sinners).


Hey guys! So I am finally posting "Blood Will Be Shed" more often! I can't wait for you guys to read this and I've been working on it for so long. I really hope you guys enjoy this. As for my schedule for when I'm posting it, I will be posting it every Monday from now on (unless I saw otherwise in the future.) I love you, guys and I really hope you enjoy! <3


Hey, so it's been a over a year since I first started writing into "Blood Will Be Shed" and I really can't wait to show it to you guys. I'm actually thinking about releasing it w/ a schedule before I even finish it on my laptop because I feel like I can't wait anymore, plus it may motivate me to write the last chapters, because I admit, I've been slaking a lot. As for when I'm thinking of when to do this? Probably through out this month, and we'll see more into the summer because I don't know what my schedule will be like during the summer. Anyway, love you guys, I'll do my best! <3


Hi everyone! So "The Rejection" is almost done, I just have to do another few chapters and I'll be done with the book and after that I'll be able to make a schedule and start posting more often.
          Hope you guys are having a great day! If not, it'll get better at some point and I give you good luck.


Hey guys, as many of you know, school is here! Well, it's been extremely difficult for me to stay on top on homework and it's very overwhelming.
          I hate to say this, but I'm keeping "Blood Will Be Shed" in my computer until it is complete and so far, I don't know how many chapters I need to write next.
          That means I've to postpone a little while longer. I'll try November or December to start publishing, but it's not a promise.
          Thank you guys for understanding and supporting me.