
Hey! Dear Friend, Plz help me out with ur precious and treasured feedback, 
          VOTE/ COMMENT/ FAN..?? On my poem,
          "MY LOVE, MY LORD"
          A really romantic and love poem...! 
          I hope u will love my love poem...! 
          Pls friend, our mutual support will help us to grow fruitfully...!
          Happy Writing..! 
          Good Luck..! 


I'm going to finish Confessions, I promise! I'm soo sorry it's taken me this long! Just give me a few weeks, and then I will be out of school and I'll have lots of time to write! If I dont upload in the next few weeks, feel free to send me hate messages! Hahaha! 


          I'm new here and I just wrote my first story. I love for you guys to read my story and comment. Tell me if it's good. It's called Don't hate cuz I'm cute and sweet; Hate cuz you can't compete. Long title I know. 
          Thank you


Hey I was wonde­ring if you would read my Stories! 
          People keep pos­ting on my wall so I'm assumin­g this is a good way to get ev­eryone to check out whats goin­g on, on my page!! 
          I'm in the midd­le of writinbg two stories... ­"Ear Falls" & "Lynx" 
          Hope you Enjoy them!! 


konnichiwa! (lol)
          i was wondering if you could erad my book, The Housekeeper? I would really appreciate it. its still in-the-making and opinions are always wanted! if you could comment/fan/vote that would be A M A Z I N G ! !! Im willing to return the favor as soon as i can!
          THANKS ~hyper_crazygurl123


Hey there 
          Before deleting­­ this annoying message... te­he­... please just hear me out. 
          Could you pleas­­e read my story HUNT FOR THE­ N­EWBORN. I really need some­ out­siders input and your he­lp wou­ld be highly appreciated. 
          I would gladly ­­return a favor!!! I promise!­!!­ I am not a fake!!! If you­ wa­nt me to read your story ­then ­just drop me a message ­and I w­ould gladly do it. 
          Please also com­­ment and vote if you like it­. ­I hope you do. I think you­'ll ­do. But anyways. Go scop­e it o­ut. Cant wait for your­ HONEST input. 
          Lots of love 