
Please unfortunately the author sadly passed away on October 7th 2024 and this is her younger brother typing as this was one of her wishes that I tell y'all when she died


@coosambi  ya allah thats so sad 
          	  may allah grant her janat al firdous al a3la
          	  i am crying while reading


@coosambi this got me crying 


inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji'oon, may her soul rest in peace and Allah grant her jannat,she will always remain alive in our heart 


I know she is long gone but her memories will stay as fresh as a  morning hue .. I hope you all are holding it ok . Holding it good won’t be possible as I know what it means to loose a loved one .. but still holding it ok is fine . She is looking at you all from heavens and each tear you tear up in her memory brings her tears too and slices through her heart . But tears are important to let the grief flow through .. so let them flow when they come and look upwards . A gentle breeze , a thunder clap or just a sunny afternoon could be her looking up to you all from above !! Try to stay strong !! I would pray for her memories to remain forever on and let her get a good afterlife . Resurrected or not .. as far as you all having peace I know it won’t come but with time the emptiness will start to be filled with her happy memories !