
Guess what's getting it's final round of updates tomorrow? 
          	(oh and also got published today, except someone named mads was dumb and forgot to account for processing times so it's still processing) 
          	correct, it's Gallows Humour! 


@DeejayDJ010 so it has, anything interesting happen? 


Guess what's getting it's final round of updates tomorrow? 
          (oh and also got published today, except someone named mads was dumb and forgot to account for processing times so it's still processing) 
          correct, it's Gallows Humour! 


@DeejayDJ010 so it has, anything interesting happen? 


Alright, I know multiple updates a day isn't Wattpad's favourite method of delivery, but in an effort to have everything posted before the start of the Watty's as possible, I'll be doing double chapter uploads until the seventeenth, and a final dump of the remaining chapters on the seventeenth. 
          Today we're up to chapters 20 and 21 btw! Check them out :O 


Idk where y'all are coming from but hi, hope you enjoy your stay, and if wattpad sent you... uh, why? /hj


@JaareWrites oh cool, thanks! 


@copyedit You’re in a recommended section with like 14 other books on the homepage. Congrats!


Hey beautiful people, Ash and Cinder updates are starting today. I'll be uploading as I finish each chapter. The earlier ones don't have many changes, mostly just word structure stuff, so they should go up pretty quickly. (eyes emoji)


@graves- <3 <3 thank you!! The ending changed a lot more than I anticipated but I think I finally got it right, if that makes sense? lol fingers crossed


@copyedit Loved that book. Can't wait to see how its evolved!


What's up my dudes, long time no talk. Here are some updates for you, for being so patient:
          Ash and Cinder will be getting a lot of updates starting around next month. Because it's hot garbage. And I should have recognized that it was garbage before publishing it, but I didn't, and now I'm fixing it. If you bought a physical copy of the book (first of all thank you so much <3), DM me and when I finish edits I will trade you. Send me your old copy and I will send you a new, edited, hopefully less horrible copy. 
          In better news, Magpie Black is also getting an update! I made a major change to the plot and I like the direction it's taking now a lot better. The changes start at the end of chapter 2 including an entirely new chapter 3 so... have a look? Tell me what you think? I wait with bated breath. 
          Thanks a ton, love u all! mwah!