Why do you think it’s ok to treat her like that? Seriously your words are hurting her, pushing her over the edge. The things you say are not ok. You may think that it’s ok, but it’s not. It’s not ok one bit. Do you want to be the reason for her death? You don’t understand how easily your words damage people! You need to grow up, be responsible, think before you speak, because one day you’re going to say something to the wrong person, and they aren’t going to let it go. If you keep this up, bullying her, taunting her, making fun of her, there is going be a day where you realize what you have done, and she’s not going to be here for you to say sorry! She has never done anything to you, so why do you do this? To feel good about yourself? To look cool in front of your friends? To put others down? Honestly tell me why you think it’s ok, or why you do it in the first place, because first off, if you bully to feel good about yourself, then your messed up, and you need to grow up, and get a life, and if you’re doing it to look cool, then you don’t know what you’re talking about, because bullying is not cool, and if you like putting other people down, then you’re sick, and you need some help! You don’t realize how many people everyday cut themselves, kill themselves, or injure themselves, because of people like you! Do you seriously have that bad of a life, where you have to treat people like this, I don’t think so! So think the next time you say something because you never know what your last words to somebody will be!