
completely deleted my brightwin fanfics. pairing them as a couple is delusion, also i dont feel comfortable supporting bright, who seems to be completely ignorant to a genocide, posing with and posting IDF equipment. there is absolutely no way he does not know at this point in time. israel is an apartheid colonist state who is committing a genocide against the people of palestine. bright is an ignorant fool.


completely deleted my brightwin fanfics. pairing them as a couple is delusion, also i dont feel comfortable supporting bright, who seems to be completely ignorant to a genocide, posing with and posting IDF equipment. there is absolutely no way he does not know at this point in time. israel is an apartheid colonist state who is committing a genocide against the people of palestine. bright is an ignorant fool.


i was looking for the perfect title for a new changlix fanfic i want to write and while looking through my playlist of many songs, i looked down at the song bar, displaying the song i was listening to currently. "fireworks". DUDE WHY DIDNT I THINK OF IT BEFORE. ASTRO YOU ARE GENIUSES.


i am writing a changlix oneshot :] i dont usually write any other skz ships bcs i only look at the minsung ship, but i recently decided to watch some changlix moments and i had an idea for a oneshot. i will be posting it in my oneshot book, so be prepared


@corbai i write them passively in my minsung fics, as a side "couple", but their moments are cute and i decided they deserved their own focus. but i dont have any long fics in mind so it will be a oneshot heh


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fuck im so conflicted... i want to make a minsung fic where minho is just crazy and call it "taste" but im working on an enemies to lovers minsung fic called "taste" already.. taste suits the crazy minho fic more but i already have connections to the song within the enemies to lovers fic