Hey Robin :) Thanks for the follow :D Also, what's the story behind your username? It's lovely!
Yo! Haha, you're welcome. x) Oh uh. It's a little durpy actually. When I was like ten I REALLY wanted a corgi-like the dog-and so I moped around about them and posted pictures all over my house and whatever. And finally my parents drove me alllll through the state and into the woods basically until we hit this farm. And we walked out and I was so confused 'cause my parents hadn't explained anything. And the woman from the farm like walked us around and showed us the fainting goats (Yes, they really do faint when you scare them). And finally she showed us THE CUTEST corgi puppy EVER. And then we took him home. He was a little old for like "I'm getting a puppy age" and he still had his tail, so we decided we'd keep the tail. So yeah. That's my corgi and he's my one and only. Corgione. Hahaha