
Hi all!
          	So, I know it's been over a year since my last update, and for that I am truly sorry. The only thing I can really say to explain that is life got in the way. I'm a senior now and everything is different. I'm not that sophomore who was barely brave enough to post the first chapter. In the past year so much has happened, so much has changed. I went through a difficult relationship, struggled with my health, saw my best friends go off to college, got into college myself (Rhode Island School of Design-it's official!), and, most recently, got brain surgery. No worries, I'm quickly recovering and all will be well soon! I've been writing a lot of my own stuff lately, a lot of poetry mostly (I'm on a slam team and we compete on a really competitive level). And despite all the changes, Wattpad has always been at the back of my mind. When would I finally find time to return? Who would be there to greet me? I decided that it is time to answer these questions and at least attempt to continue Catch Me. I will try my hardest, but this is a story that I started as a very different person. Even if I manage to finish another story, I cannot guarantee that it will be like LTF. But, that being said, I do hope that you all have enough faith in me to read what I have to say. It won't be fast and it won't be easy, but it will be there. I promise you that. Thank you all for your undying support and love.


Hi all!
          So, I know it's been over a year since my last update, and for that I am truly sorry. The only thing I can really say to explain that is life got in the way. I'm a senior now and everything is different. I'm not that sophomore who was barely brave enough to post the first chapter. In the past year so much has happened, so much has changed. I went through a difficult relationship, struggled with my health, saw my best friends go off to college, got into college myself (Rhode Island School of Design-it's official!), and, most recently, got brain surgery. No worries, I'm quickly recovering and all will be well soon! I've been writing a lot of my own stuff lately, a lot of poetry mostly (I'm on a slam team and we compete on a really competitive level). And despite all the changes, Wattpad has always been at the back of my mind. When would I finally find time to return? Who would be there to greet me? I decided that it is time to answer these questions and at least attempt to continue Catch Me. I will try my hardest, but this is a story that I started as a very different person. Even if I manage to finish another story, I cannot guarantee that it will be like LTF. But, that being said, I do hope that you all have enough faith in me to read what I have to say. It won't be fast and it won't be easy, but it will be there. I promise you that. Thank you all for your undying support and love.


anywho, what I was saying earlier about comments and votesbi probably shouldnt have said because u probably already know becuase of notifications and stuff like that, well actualy just notifications, so I am going to take that back right now. ok... I am going to go read the sequel and I think I figured out that when I read all day I force all the energy into writing so I was just letting u know that this is not how I usually am, I just didn't want u thinking i am some crazy person so yeah... going to go read the sequel! :)


I am going to divide these into sections so that doesn't happen again ;) oh yes, the book! aaaahhhhhhhh! I am soooo happy write now. by the way ur book is in my archived and I only have two books in there, Including urs and i read alot I mean I probably cant even count that high, no that was an exaggeration.


yyyyyyaaaaaaaassssss! yes! yes! I am freaking out right now, freaking out.  I am so glad u took my suggestion about writing another book, just kidding. I just finished the first book, litterally like 5 minutes ago and I voted for all the chapters and wrote this really long comment on the last chapter saying how you are amazing and your book is amazing. it said my comment was too long and earased it so now am tryingbtobfind the best words to say


Just finished reading Learning to Fall and omg it was amazing <3 I can't wait to read Catch Me- I'm not particularly good at covers, but I'm half decent, so I might try if I have time! I'm just curious as to whether Jax's ED will make a reoccurence? I kind of hope it doesn't, because I really want her to be happy, but at the same time, it was such an integral part of LTF (not to mention I struggle myself, so...I liked the relatability?). I wonder whether Jax will try to have children in Catch Me! That'd be interesting :) Though undoubtedly it'd pose some problems... 
          Out of curiosity, how long did it take you to complete LTF? And how often/for how long do you write each chapter? They're all so long, and I have so much trouble writing long chapters and any advice would be appreciated! :D


Thank you so much! Well, I just posted the first chapter to Catch Me, so you can go read for yourself (haha, sorry for the lame answer).
            It took me a while to complete LTF. Over a year, probably around 14 months, although four of those were devoted to camp. I wrote chapters in any range of time from three hours to two months. It really depended on my personal situation at the time (schedule, personal life, how I was feeling, etc.).
            What I would really advise is if you are in a mood where you just REALLY want to write, try to bang out a couple chapters at once, but only post one. That way you give yourself a bit of buffer time to keep on schedule. When I first started LTF, I would post new chapters up to twice a day, and that really wasn't very smart, because once summer ended, I got caught up in school and couldn't update much. So yeah, I'd definitely recommend saving up your chapters so you can be reliable for your readers' sake.
            If you have any other questions, I'd be so happy to talk to you!


Is it acceptable to sing birthday sex to yourself all day solely because its your birthday? Because that's what I've been doing. (Yes, world, it is my 17th birthday. I knew you really wanted to be informed of that)
          On another note, I am currently working on the first chapter to the LTF Sequel. It is called Catch Me and will feature an older Niall and Jax (not too old, though).
          You know what this means?
          Yes, NEW COVER ART!
          I will take submissions for the cover of Catch Me. All that needs to be featured is the title and my username. Other than that, go crazy! 
          Email all submissions to
          Love y'all long time