
/       cb for a one  -  liner  ,    lads    !     ++     specify mood


 ꒱◦۪۪̥. @corpsetrap  
          	  ;;          ꦼ꧔̩͙ murder


          	  ╰❥      disappointment  .


/       cb for a one  -  liner  ,    lads    !     ++     specify mood


 ꒱◦۪۪̥. @corpsetrap  
            ;;          ꦼ꧔̩͙ murder


            ╰❥      disappointment  .


you  really  do smell —  maybe  some febreeze ..


               must suck ,  really .    * he shrugged his shoulders and pulled out a bottle of febreeze from his little bag , spraying it all over the animatronic .  * gets 99,9 % bacteria out .


                  *     had the other not been listening to the corpse      ?      he had dissed the male     /    countless     /     of times    ..     &    yet  ,     he was still here  ,     insisting on helping him.     he felt    ,,     confused   ,     by the workers logic   ,     &     overall friendliness.     *      ,,     alright.     give it a shot  ,     kid.     though    —     it won’t help.      my stank won’t be ` goin anywhere  ,     sadly   ..


              well maybe you need my help .   yeah the smell is bad but you’re . .  probably not a bad animatronic , you honestly seem pretty cool to me . 


i don't see why everyone
          hates you  ,  you don't seem
          that bad to me springtrap  !


@corpsetrap  ;;
            ah  ,  that's good  !
            i've been great actually  
            thank you for asking spring  !
            *  he asked with a huge smile
            on his face  ,  chuckling softly as
            he gazed at the other male  .  *
            anyways  ,  i was thinking that maybe
            we could try baking sometime  !  i know
            you probably wouldn't  ,  but i think it'd
            be fun to try something new for once  !


                  *      the nickname irks the animatronic   ,     but  ,     he doesn’t comment on the matter   ,     &    instead  ,     focuses his attention ahead of him.    *     ,,     i’ve been well.     as well as a rotting corpse in the back room can be   ,    that is    ..      how about    —     how ` bout you     ?      


@corpsetrap  ;;
            ah  ,  thank you spring  ! 
            i appreciate it  ,  really  !
            *  he continued to give
            the same friendly smile
            as he sat himself down 
            next to the other male  ,
            making himself comfortable
            before looking back at him  .  *
            how have you been  ?  
            i'm sure things have 
            been fine around here  ?


oh dear   —   what a terrible smell   . 


                  y’know what else stinks     ?      my life.     but  ,     hey    —     i’m not complaining about it    ..     who’re you  ,     anyways     ?     some new toy the guards dragged in     ?


this message may be offensive
                  *      if springtrap had more expressive emoticons  ,      he would’ve winced as well.     /    fifteen something years    /      &     he had wasted them here  ,     in this god awful building.     well    ..     franchise   ,     if he was being more specific.     *     heh    ,,     wish i thought like you before i became    ..     this.     i’m sure you’ll figure yourself out though  ,     kid.     you seem smart.     not smart enough to leave this job earlier  ,     but    ,,     smart.     *     springtrap blinks  ,     feeling his inner mechanisms slowly lock     &     unlock from their respectful hinges     —     creaking softly as the male  ,     without a sign of malice  ,    speaks.    *     yeah  ,    well    ,,     they suck anyways.    the workers   ,    i mean.    the other bots are just assholes to me  ,    so    —     i’m just being biased there    ..     but for the workers     ?    nah.    they all suck.     listen ` ta me when i say this   ;      stay away from them.     bad news   ,     all of ` em.    *     you were bad news too  ,     will.     *      trust me.


                  *     loose strands of wires clatter uselessly against the rotting corpses suit   ,       a large hand gripping at the wall beside him  ,     eyes closing for a beat too long until opening with a start.     springtrap doesnt look amused anymore.     *      yeah  ,     yeah    ..     guess you’re right.     *     he lights up at the name  ,     seemingly having heard it before.     though    —     he could be wrong.    the name    /    august    /     was pretty common  ,    wasn’t it     ?     *     three years  ,    huh    ?      heh    -    try ten.    or   ,,     was it fifteen     ?     man  ,     who knows.     *     it could be longer then that.      he didn’t like that thought.     *      well   ..     it doesn’t matter now.    you seem like an adequate employee    —     do the others like ` ya      ?


                *     he squints at the other  ,     another grin taking up those blood crusted lips  ,     a second ticking by ` til he moves away  ,    mostly to save the poor man’s nostrils from flaring up further.     *     you’re funny    —    funnier then the original mechanic  ,,    i’ll give you that.    i should know   ,,     seeing that    /   i   /    was the one who killed him.    can’t get anywhere in life without a sense of humor  ,   y’know.     *    he was lying.     he could honestly care less about a person’s comedy skills    —     after all  ,     he had killed the last mechanic   (    who had been with the company for ten years  ,    if you could believe it    )    for his stupidity  ,      &    not for his lack of wit.     *     though   ..     judging by your unfazed stare  ,    i can tell    ;     you’re not new.     if you don’t mind me asking  ,    what’s your name  ,    kid    ?


                good call.     *    his voice is oddly calm for being near the mechanic  ,     a being in which he was intended to    KILL     &      SLAUGHTER.     &    yet  ,     he merely stands there  ,     leaning his weight onto the nearest wall with a large  ,     tired grin.     *     /    real    /     good call.     i’m a corpse     —     the last thing you want on your hands is old  ,     rotting blood  ,     y’know     ?


this message may be offensive
“  aw shit dude  ,   your breath smells like literal garbage   ,   and you creak like you’re a hundred years old  .  jesus  ,   you just slow us down when we’re trying to kill the night guard  .  keep up or sit down  ,  it’s annoying  .  ”


this message may be offensive
                  “     heh.     you’re one to talk  ,     kid.      we’re    /    all    /     corpses.     deal with it.     ”      his movements are slow   &    full of little to no purpose   ,     as the other animatronic describes.      his eyes blink rapidly for one moment  ,     before falling completely still.     he smells    ,,     off.     once more  ,     just as the bunny expressed.     “    besides   ..      i    /    am    /    old.     i’d much rather watch you idiots muck around then deal with the night guard myself.    ”     he means to irk the other   ,      if the small grin spreading across that glitchy face indicates correctly.     springtrap’s a tired  ,     lazy  ,     asshole.    but he     /    LOVES    /     bullying the newbies.     “     maybe we should both sit.     you look a little winded yourself  ,     kid.     ”


      ❝ you look pretty horrible .
                  heard that the others 
                 don't like ya .   ❞
            /    yee so like in my au uh 
                    trappers didn't kill him 
                    K it's a awful au but ya


              the animatronic multicolored 
              Fox animatronic was silent 
              as he listened to what he 
              said and watched the bunnys
               ever single movement he made . 
               he was rather shocked by his 
                tone and what he said . "  I'm not leaving.  "


                  springtrap glitches   ,     circuits   BUZZING   &   WHIRING   with faint warnings of   SHUT DOWN  ,    as his steps slowly hinder to a complete stop.     dried blood lingers between them  ,    &    yet  ,     his senses have been reprimanded.     he cannot    BREATH.     “    oh  ,     /    shut it.     /      it doesn’t matter what those goons think     —     just go.    leave me be.     ”