Hey all, it’s Cori.
So, as inactive as I have been, I’m actually going on a hiatus.
We had to put down my dog, Rosie, today (May 16, 2022) as she had started developing heart problems from a terrible case of chronic pancreatitis. The vet believes she had a heart attack from her hemorrhaging bloody stool, and from that, Rosie started having irregular heart beats. A lethal arrhythmia. So we had to make the really difficult decision to put her down, for her own benefit.
I’ve had her in my life since I was 11-12 years old, Rosie was 6 weeks when we adopted her. It’s been 10 wonderful years with her. She turned 10 on May 5th this year.
She has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, for she is no longer in pain, she is at peace.
But yeah, I need to take a long needed break from my duties here, I need time to grieve and work through this loss. It’s not easy to lose a pet that you loved so dearly.
The length of my hiatus is undetermined, I need as much time as I can in this time.
Thank you all.