@livingdeadb0y / / ; It’s alright! Studying and prepping for Exams can be kinda tough and quite a hassle, nonetheless. I, for one, would know this since I’m typically homeschooled and work longer than the average student. Although you can start at any given time, I like to start mornings through nights. I hardly ever get breaks, which, all in all does drive me insane sometimes. I usually get up at 5:00-7:00 a.m. and work till 9:00 p.m. Straight, just so I can get a lot of assignments/projects done. Sure, it’s stressful as hell, but in the end, it really does take a huge burden off my shoulders—and it does give me a chance to graduate faster.
Luckily for me, I’ve got 3 weeks off. But after that, you’ll probably see less of me except for in the evenings or on weekends.
Nubbins nodded as he studied the larger Chainsaws—which had been propped further down the aisle, stationed at the very back of the building.
Placing his hands on the handles of the saw, Nubbins hoisted it into his grasp, clutching it tightly.
The male knew full well that it would be rather difficult sneaking out with a chainsaw visible in his hands. Deciding on the second alternative, the cannibal stashed Bubba’s new present away in that large, brown sack he carried around with him—proceeding to expand the sack in a rather odd shape.
Nubbins had no doubts that it’d be a lot more heavier than he’d hoped.
Dragging the sack along with him, Nubbins made his way for the front door, catching a glimpse of the other who’d seemingly done a good job of his role as a distraction as everyone’s eyes had been peeled towards him, other people rushing to help the “Injured” male.
Nubbins couldn’t help but snicker.
This was totally going to work,, it had to.
. . .