
Lmao I'm not dead although schoolwork is about to kill me- I'm working on "Heda's Rogue" as often as I can given sports and school as well as writer's block but I really hope to finish up this chapter and start a new one REALLYYYYY soon if possible. I will get the chapter out though, I promise!


Hi it's been two years and I was really hoping you could start updating The fire within again I'm in love with the story so please update ❤️


@Alana_544 Yes, I apologize for how inactive I have been, life has really been kicking me lately with my schedule but I do have a vision board for it!


Lmao I'm not dead although schoolwork is about to kill me- I'm working on "Heda's Rogue" as often as I can given sports and school as well as writer's block but I really hope to finish up this chapter and start a new one REALLYYYYY soon if possible. I will get the chapter out though, I promise!


Hey all! I know I've not updated my story in a while BUT I have also not had access to a decent laptop until yesterday. Since I've got a new laptop, I'll definitely be updating this and writing on it as often as I can with school and sports going on. Thank you to everyone who has left comments on my story and have been patient with me. It means a lot to me :)


          Hey guys I know it’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated “Heda’s Rogue” HOWEVER I do have a good reason for this. I fell ill with covid within the last week and am starting to get back to normal now so since I am feeling better and regaining my health, I will be continuing the story and posting chapters as often as I can. I appreciate your understanding and again I am terribly sorry, I was just so sick for quite some time I didn’t even feel like doing the simplest of tasks. But as I said, I am better now and starting tomorrow, I will continue writing in my free time and hopefully have a chapter out soon. If you follow my tiktok and are waiting for the POV update, this announcement explains that situation as well. Thank you for reading this and understanding! 


Okay guys, I've FINALLY finished the second chapter of Heda's Rogue! I wrote it longer than I typically write and because of that, I've spent a lot more time writing and revising so I can make this story as enjoyable as possible! I have planned for me to do two more read through's and revise anything left over and I'll have that published ASAP. I do expect it to be out by tonight at the latest (right now it is 2:17pm for me so at the latest it should be posted around 9-9:30pm EST). Thank you all for your patience and I hope to have you reading the newest addition to Heda's Rogue soon!


Hey guys, I’m so so sorry I’ve been so inactive recently. I promise I’m going to finish The Fire Within BUT I’m going to have to put that on hold right now because I’m working on a new project and it’s gonna be BIG. If anyone is a fan of The 100 and likes Lexa Kom Trikru, I have a feeling they will like my next project. Stay tuned for updates! 


Bro life is so hectic istg- First I get logged out of my account for a bit until I found my login and then this week happens…my internet goes out cuz the cable line burned, a literal tornado touches down in the field across from my house while I’m home alone, then the cable line burns AGAIN and this time it burns part of my house as well- UGH lmao. But yes I’ve got everything back and hopefully things will calm down and be on my side for once. Hope y’all are enjoying my story that’s slowly but surely coming along!


@genderfluid_turtle ikr but everything is okay now :)


Holy cheese that’s a lot 