i’ve been wanting to move to ao3 so that is exactly what i’m doing! i’ve been reading on there for quite awhile and I personally like the layout a lot more, plus the organization for finding fics is a lot easier imo. wattpad might be a bit more convenient for mobile but I am def still going to do the switch. the only thing i’m really gonna be using this account for anymore is checking for updates on my fav fics + possibly updating my diary thing lolol anyways that’s pretty much all I wanted to say, i’m still under the same username on ao3 so it shouldn’t be too hard to find me. I will be rewriting or just re-uploading any current fics, if you don’t see them on my account I either am in the process of rewriting or I have chosen to not continue the fic. would love to see you on ao3 and hope you enjoy current + future fics!! <3