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seunghan is gone and so is mine and many other’s support for riize…like i hope the ot6 biize that sent those death threats and death reefs are happy. you’ve ruined a young man’s career over something normal people do everyday. like how are you going to hate on a teenager for doing teenager shit, and not send nearly enough hate for the literal criminal that got kicked out of nct…make it make sense. i didn’t even support riize like that but iI was so genuinely excited for his return and what it could mean for the other boys and their fans, and now? all of it down the drain over k-biize and c-biize who are so up their own asses in delusion that seunghan chose to leave. fuck sm too. can’t support their artist for shit. what was even the reason for bringing him back just for them not to protect him and him to leave not even 3 days later?????? like fans are heartbroken and angry, but can you imagine how the other boys must be feeling? for them to know that their “fans” were responsible for their friend leaving, and having to stay under a company who has proven they won’t protect their artists? i wouldn’t even want to have fans anymore, the dream would have been killed. all i can hope now is that seunghan finds some peace in all this. i hope he knows there are people who support him and know that it wasn’t his fault. he did nothing wrong. hopefully the rest of riize will be okay too. godspeed to any biize out there, y’all didn’t deserve this…riize will always be 7!