
Am I the only one that has figured out to be a full functioning human with almost no sleep or food yesterday I was running around and being stupid but I had one hour of sleep and skipped breakfast 


I was just playing among us with my girlfriend and was getting a little too loud and forgot my dad was sleeping in the room next to mine so he started yelling at me and I had to hang up on my girlfriend and now im hiding in my closet does anyone have any tips of were else to hide?


I have a question for anyone that may be reading this so I need some honest answers 
          If I were to start a story do you think people would read it
          I've written a few oneshot type things before and they didnt get many views so do you think that if I make an actual story it would turn out better 
          I'm not sensitive at all so I want an honest answer
          If you think I should try then please leave suggestions I will write almost anything as long as I mmiw what it is and I am a multishiler so I'll do any ship (I'll do ANYTHING like you name I'll do it no matter how wierd some may think it is I will write anything)


@cosplay-lover i have only written oneshots about shinso's birthday and denki's birthday


            What types of stories do you normally write?
            ( x reader , ships, etc,)


@KitCatKels54 ya but I kinda need any or all suggestions because im not creative 