
The re-boot of Bloodstream has arrived! I know I've been gone for a while but I'm praying that I'll be back for a while. I've also got the ending of Titan High bubbling and new Taekook fanfictions on the way.


I'm so sorry that I've taken forever to not update my fanfictions, I am aiming to stsrt writing again. My priority right now is getting through Titan High, then I'll move onto bloodstream and long lost friends. Im not sure where to go with journal of tears but I'll sort something out when the time comes. Thank you all for being patient! Ill try my best to updare more often! 


My apologies for all the late updates on Titan High but I'm going to try and update 3 new chapter by wednesday as wednesday has become my update day. If I keep forgetting please feel free to message me and tell me to update, I normally just forget to do it XD


Hello fellow reader of the book previously known as 'The Moon's Consent', the book has been restarted and it would be really appreciated if you could re-add the book now known as 'Once Upon A Winter', to your private library so you can continue to read/fan/vote on the story!