Since tomorrow is Thursday, I suppose that means that another Chapter of the Intern Pill will be posted. Hope everyone is enjoying it so far! And we are open to suggestions - like if there's anything you would hope to see happen in the story.
God bless !!:)
Eh okay! So since it is Thursday a new chapter of the Intern Pill will be posted today - possibly more earlier in the day than usual... Just want to take this time to say thanks to everyone who has read it or is reading it; it means so much to us that you enjoy the material that we wanted to share with you guys!
God bless !<3
Okay! So...chapter 9 of The Intern Pill is now posted :D - it feels like the week went by slower but whatever. We're super excited for you guys to read this next chapter because this is when quite a few relationships and character traits are sort of established and exposed to the readers/yall !
God bless!