
this is why i have a “yeah?” kink :P


happy international women’s day to every woman out there!! we are such strong individuals, going through different things in life right now, and we need to stick together. women are so much more powerful together, rather than apart and tearing each other down. i’m so proud of how far you’ve come, whether we know each other or not. i also want to say that if you’re going through a hard time and want to talk to somebody about it, i’m always here! anyways, happy international women’s day to us bad a$$ b!tches (:


if you’ve seen what’s been happening to the asian community, you know asian americans and asians in general are being racially targeted during covid-19. i ask that you stand in solidarity with our community. spread awareness. stand up for those who are being targeted. we as minorities need to stick together and support each community. an attack on one community is an attack on all communities.


@strawblipstick sorry for the late response, but yes i totally agree! i’m half chinese and it’s so f’d up how people are so racist towards chinese (and all other asians in general) and it’s so normalized. it really saddens me that this is STILL how people are even after so long. it’s so embarrassing on them.


@hairysteels69 YES YES YES this is so underrated. Us Asians (idk if you are I'm sorry) are treated so poorly bc we apperantly "caused the virus". It's very hurtful for many and when they say "didn't you caused the virus?" then they stay away from you is very racist in my opinion. 