this message may be offensive
okay so i need to rant and idgas if you don't agree with me.
so i am a big ass myblue and i love ohm and fluke so much like sksjksdhkdgdgs. in my opinion, uwma one of the best bl's because it, for one, doesn't have some bitch who breaks the couple up, they talk about how prevalent homophobia was back in the 1970s-80s, and has a healthy beautiful relationship between both people.
then this bitCh has the audacity to call uwma the worst bl because the story moves too fast, the couple doesn't have any sexy scenes and its unrealistic. im sorry what? barbara, im sorry if your straight ass self didn't know but homosexual relationships aren't all about dick and ass. yes we like to joke about it, but we don't fuck constantly, also the storyline is beautiful, two lovers killed themselves only to find each other again in the next life. how beautiful is thAt.
i cannot with these straight woman tell people how gay relationships should work. you're straight, get it together. i also HATE when people say "i wiSh i wAs gAy aNd A maN hEhEHE"
no you fucking don't, i find it so disrespectful as a gay trans man. i went through hell finding out who i was, to the point of brainwashing myself to think im a woman, just so you can say that shit? no i didn't, the amount of fetishing in bl needs to stop.
its tiring to only be seen as "gay" and not as a person. these woman need to stop saying they wish to be men because i feel horrible whenever i see that, the dysphoria and terror i go through these women could never imagine so if you are one of these people, think before you say shit because its annoying, disrespectful and downright derogatory.
thank you for listening to this annoyed twink დ