I see that I lost an dedication :( why? Did I do something wrong I know I haven't updated someone kill me but I will if might have to pick a co-owner of this account bc of my Schedule
'When life gives you skittles chuck them at people and say taste the colorful rainbow' that is the funniest thing I have heard today. That is my new motto thanks
I see that I lost an dedication :( why? Did I do something wrong I know I haven't updated someone kill me but I will if might have to pick a co-owner of this account bc of my Schedule
Thank you guys u are all truly amzayn I know I haven't updated I will try an update Tuesday it's been hard with school and everything and thanks even though I haven't updated o alone with Harry styles u it's still read it over again cuz my reads have gone up which is awesome thanks for everybody that's been with me since the begginging
Hello...yes I am back..ok so I have a couple updates
1. Please follow me on Instagram
And the reason is I update alone with Harry styles my friend was on my phone and I was done with the next chapter but he uploaded it to my Instagram and I don't want to delete it so yeah it's there:)
2.if u don't ave one I will try to upload it on here..warning that will take awhile..cuz me being well me doesn't know how to do that without deleting it so yup....bye loviles ❤