Otakus i have a question, everyone who saw Toilet bound Hanako-kun knows that Amane Yugi said to his teacher that he wasn't go anywhere and wanted to stay, but why? he wanted to go to the moon and then said that he made up his mind and wanted to stay! Can you help me? I really wante to know why he didn't want to go to the moon

@ TainMorais7 It's so late but I think while it's not fully explicit yet in the story, Hanako decided to stay due to something related to his brother. There's theories Tsukasa (his brother) changed due to the deal he made that one time (in manga) to save Hanako from a really bad disease. So the theories go that Tsukasa abused Hanako (maybe physically) and Hanako simply gave up on his dream because of the whole abuse and the fact that he still loved his brother so much. Other theories say Amane was starting to dig into a hole he later couldn't avoid falling into, like his dream was slowly fading out and he started to lose interest in life. The reason is not clarified yet as far as I knew cause it's so complex though, so I could be wrong.

@TainMorais7 I think we wanted to stay with his twin brother cuz he loved him so much.
