

Im sorry but I don't understand why you follow Charlie. She got a review on her book and when the author pointed out a few errors she got mad, called the author a moron and said bad words to her. She also has been bullying people purely because they have disablilties. Oh and she goes on people's mb's that don't even know her and she doesn't know them and calls them idiots and bad words.  And btw I've been telling everyone to ignore her and stop posting on her mb


@covid_sucks123 oh yah she's long gone now.  She's been gone for like 2 months


@covid_sucks123 She got kicked off but she made a new account and Pmd me calling me names *sigh*


@covid_sucks123 Hello there! I agree that the more attention she gets, the more drama will come. But I don't agree with you on the fact that she's being mean because people are being mean to her first. Many of those people are writers that got bad criticism on their stories by Charlotte. I have proof. She has spread so much hate on this app and you have no idea how some people might get seriously offended. Not everyone has perfectly high self-esteem. 
          Plus, I recommended her a book that would be appropriate for her but she said she only reads serious literature. Yet, she reads the stories people create for fun (?!) and even dares to make hateful comments. 
          So, all in all, she's mean and hateful. She bullies and harasses people. She's a chauvinist. She started this but we shouldn't carry on giving her this attention and giving her satisfaction. I think everyone should just ignore her. Act like she isn't there.
          Have a nice day/night.


          People need to understand, that yes she was mean.
          But if you guys stop bothering her, then all this drama will stop.
          But you insist on chatting on her home page, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!
          It is not a big deal anymore!!!
          I followed her because I need people to realize what happened is in the past, and people writing on her home page are making it worst.
          If you say something mean to her, then, of course, she is going to say something mean back!