I started a new/old job yesterday, and because that sounds confusing basically I re-started my old job that I got let go from because I couldn’t do the hours they needed me to do (I can now). Anyway yesterday went fine, I picked it up alright it wasn’t much different from last time except it was at the same time. Yeah I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else♀️... BUT today didn’t go too well because it was really busy, I haven’t slept well, I haven’t eaten in like 3 days because I haven’t been hungry and I’m on my period so I was an emotion wreck and my boss knew that but KARL KEPT SHOUTING AT ME!!! Like bitch why you gotta be so mean in work but when you were shagging my mum you were bringing Chinese home every night? SORRY FOR THE RANT BUT I NEEDED TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST