
Hey my amazing followers! Y'all should check out my story called Not So Superhuman. Read the prologue and if it's not your cup of tea then there's no obligation to follow along every week. But it would be awesome if we could have a small community of readers! :D


Hello since u helped me alot (i hope u remeber me) with therapist advises i felt the need to tell u she is just a piece of crap she is so short tempered that she herself needs a therapist am so angry things went this way but hopefully just hopefully things go better even tho people are tryna convience me to try another one i dont think i will


@_simplyreader_ I'm sorry to hear that :( It's up to you to decide whether or not you have a good therapist. I think giving it a few sessions before deciding whether to change or not is a good approach. It's okay to get a change in therapist. Most therapists won't get offended, if they do then it's a good riddance. But I totally understand if you want to continue with them. At first I didn't like a couple of my past therapists, but after getting used to their therapy approach and actually feeling helped, I started to like them (for example, one was more by the book while another was more into free talk). 


Hi since you said in ur bio that you've watched clannad I just wanted to ask if its any good I've wanted to watch it for a while now but if its a waste of time... Well I guess u get the picture and Yh thanx xx p.s sorry this is so long bye x


@crabbybunny bscly...  I go to a boarding school (which doesn’t allow technology) so I never got the chance to acc watch it, so yh I’ll get right to it x


@SafiyyahMiah I'm glad you decided to watch it! How is it so far


@crabbybunny OMG I absolutely love romance animes and I do all of the things above so o guess its practically made for me thank you soooo much I guess I just needed one authentic opinion on it before I acc watch it,yes I will watch it now, once again thank you sooo much xxx :) 


Heyo, I just wanted to thank you for following me. I really appreciate it. 


            Of course! You sound like a perfectly lovely person, so why wouldn't I follow back?? 


@Arrogant_Boy no problem! Thanks for following back :) I wasn't expecting it 


Thank you for voting! 
          (I can't stop smiling)


@LauraFreignham español es similar a portugues. When I hear something in Portuguese I almost understand it because I know spanish 


@ crabbybunny  Spanish is a beautiful language! La he aprendido hacen algunos años pero casi no la practico. :)


@LauraFreignham i know english is hard to learn as a second language so im really impressed. My first language is spanish but I learned english through school at a young age and lived in an English speaking country so it was easy for me.


Hey! I'd love to have you giving me feedback about my story! Thank you! It's "An Almost Impossible Love". Feedback about grammar (as English isn't my native language), structure, plot, style.... anything will be very much welcome. 


I do understand you. Believe me. ;)


@LauraFreignham okay, it might take me a while to get to it since im a busy person 