
this message may be offensive
*   work is sooo fucking boring tonight, so cb + specify! gonna working on replying in the mean time too.


@cravedanger * ⸝⸝⸝   goofy


@cravedanger * ⸝⸝⸝   gib




@cravedanger  ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀no   WAY.   y'know   how   restaurants   frame   their   first   dollar?   i'll   frame   a   picture   of   you.   never   forgotten.ㅤㅤ‎[      he   crossed   his   arms   loosely,   pouting   his   lips   for   a   second   as   he   thought.      ]ㅤㅤ‎oh   yeah.   i'm   hoping   to   visit   my   parents   more   and   relax.   this   stuff   was   exhausting.   :)   oh   yeah?   that's   awesome.   i   love   how   close   you   guys   are.   makes   for   a   HEALTHY   heart.   i   think   i   read   that   somewhere.


@kryptcn ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ you must not have had many patients after me. don’t worry, i’m sure you’ll forget me after you get an office.    [ he can’t help but smile at the overwhelmingly positive man that stands before him. WAS HE ALWAYS THIS HAPPY? ]    i bet that’s exciting! what do you plan to do with your time?  ( … )  oh, the usual. i’ve just been spending time with my mom and my sister. 


 ⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀how   could   i   forget   the   name   of   my   first   patient?    [     he   grinned,   seemingly   radiating   joy   from   every   pore.     ]     i've   been   good.   just   got   finals   out   of   the   way.   finally   a   free   man.   :))   what   about   you?


SLEEP?   OH,   YEAH.   I   WILL..   SOON.


@FELlNED ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ where benny sat with his back against the railing, he was given a perfect view of the man he accompanied on the rooftop. the words that came from the feline man had him frowning, the desire to ease his mind building into a sharp pain inside of his ribs. he turned to look at the sight behind him before a thought popped into his mind.
                 “come here,” the words are soft while he turned around and patted his lap. “lay your head here, i can run my fingers through your hair. i find it calming, my momma sometimes does it to me.” he was entirely oblivious to the fact that he had done it too, but how was he supposed to know that? it had usually almost always been when he was asleep. though sometimes, he still asked her to do it for him— in moments where all he wanted was comfort but didn’t want to reach out to anyone else. sometimes he just needed his mother, seemingly the only one who knew him more than anyone else did.


⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀atlas   huffed.   they   sat   on   top   of   his   apartment   roof,   surrounded   by   railings   that   he   hoped   gave   benny   some   semblance   of   safety   from   falling.   sleep   evaded   him.   when   he   had   his   episodes,   he   was   far   too   jittery   and   antsy   to   even   think   about   sleeping.   few   things   helped.   but   watching   the   sun   set   or   the   rain   fall   sometimes   helped.   unfortunately,   neither   of   those   things   seemed   to   be   occurring.   which,   was   a   little   strange   for   a   city   so   seemingly   dark   and   gloomy.ㅤㅤ‎"  i   tried.  "   would   leave   his   lips   in   a   quiet   admission.


@FELlNED ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ there’s no ‘soon,’ atlas. you need to sleep /now/.




⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀"  i'm   FINE   with   hanging   out   with   your   super-doctor   or   whatever.  "   he   reiterated.   he   knew   this   shouldn't   even   be   a   conversation.   he   should   be   unwavering   in   his   joy   for   benny   finding   someone   like   khari.   and,   for   the   most   part,   he   was.   yet,   there   were   times   when   that   dark,   overwhelming   wave   of   jealously   overcame   him.ㅤㅤ‎WHY   COULDNT   HE   JUST   OPEN   UP   LIKE   BENNY   COULD?   WHY   COULDNT   HE   JUST   BE   HAPPY   FOR   THE   OTHER?ㅤㅤ‎questions   like   that   invaded   his   thoughts   without   end.   "  or,   you   could   go   without   me.  "   he   offered.   he   could   avoid   the   emotions   altogether—-   something   he   was   good   at.


@FELlNED ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ he watched atlas with a level of intensity that rivaled the very setting sun, the gears in his brain working overtime to try and figure out if he were really telling him the truth.  ( HAD ATLAS EVER LIED TO HIM? )  he let out a quiet sigh before his gaze drifted to the sun for a brief moment before his eyes look back towards the thief.
                 “if you don’t want to hang out with khari, i can tell him something came up and i can’t make it.” HE WANTED TO MAKE SURE HE WAS OKAY, EVEN IF IT RUINED ANY OF HIS CHANCES WITH THE SUPERBOY. after all, he was his mother’s son.


⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀atlas   would   roll   his   eyes,   moving   his   gaze   towards   the   sight   of   the   setting   sun.   there   were   two   people   he   could   count   that   he'd   ever   formed   a   CONNECTION   with.   he   wasn't   about   to   open   himself   up   to   the   possibility   of   a   third.ㅤㅤ‎so   yes,   third-wheeling   was   what   he   was   willing   to   settle   on.   "  i   don't   know   what   else   to   tell   you.  "  he   looked   back   at   the   quinn   child,   his   own   arms   crossed   over   his   chest.




⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀that   one   simple   question   was   enough   to   convince   him   this   could   TRULY   happen.   that   it   wasn't   a   foolish   dream   to   want   to   leave   a   place   so   shrouded   by   perpetual   darkness.   both   literally   and   metaphorically.   atlas   had   never   been   the   best   friend,   or   person   really,   but   he   knew   he   could   always   count   on   benny.   not   so   much   to   ground   him,   but   to   support   him.   which,   in   his   book,   was   just   perfect.ㅤㅤ‎" i   don't   know   yet.   soon.  "   he   replied,   dragging   his   teeth   over   his   bottom   lip.   but,   for   once,   looking   at   benny,   he   tried   to   think   about   the   other.
                   he   couldn't   let   him   come   with..   right?   no   matter   how   badly   he   wanted   him   to.   he   had   his   mom   here.   khari   close   by.   just   because   he   didn't   have   a   reason   to   stay,   benny   excluded,   didn't   meant   he   should   tear   him   away.       (    BUT   MAN.   HE   WANTED   TO.    )


@FELlNED ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ benny didn’t need to know what atlas wanted or thought about, the bond they shared was unlike any other— at least to benny. ATLAS WAS HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, there was no hiding that. while it was no longer in the romantic sense, he would still do anything that the man asked of him, no matter if atlas wouldn’t do the same.
                 he studied the man while he looked down at his gloves and couldn’t help but wonder why. why he would leave gotham, why that gaze of his was so far away. but it didn’t matter the answer, ALL THAT MATTERED TO BENNY WAS THAT HE WAS OKAY.  ( he clearly wasn’t. )  “okay. when are we leaving?”


⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀A   SILENCE   WOULD   BE   CAST   OVER   THE   CAT   FOR   A   FEW   MOMENTS.ㅤㅤ‎/ anything /   was   a   steep   promise.   especially   when   he   hadn't   the   faintest   clue   what   went   on   in   the   mind   of   atlas.   he   looked   down   at   his   hands   for   a   few   moments,   gathering   his   bearings   as   he   eyed   the   intricate   gloves.   when   his   gaze   returned   to   the   other,   they   were   unreadable.   nothing   short   of   clouded   though.   "  i   want   to   get   AWAY   from   gotham.  "   he   admitted,   eyeing   benny's   expression   for   any   sign   or   flicker   of   thought.


this message may be offensive
*   work is sooo fucking boring tonight, so cb + specify! gonna working on replying in the mean time too.


@cravedanger * ⸝⸝⸝   goofy


@cravedanger * ⸝⸝⸝   gib


alright , alright . . I said I'm fine .


              when ain't I right ?  * she secured the arm that was already on his shoulder as she w up *  thaaaanks . .  so what's on first for our moviethon ? 


@crazyquinzels ⠀ ╱ ⠀⠀ mhm, you’re right about that one.    [ benny didn’t offer a response to her question, instead merely wrapping an arm around her waist before tucking his other one under her knees. he figured this way might have been the best, especially given her head injury— a fireman’s carry might make her dizzy. ]


               thank you , you're the beessst .  * she laughs , wrapping an arm around his shoulder *  can you carry me ? 


YOU   DID   / NOT /   DO   ALL   THIS   FOR   ME..


@FELlNED ⠀ ⑊ ⠀ ⠀ i know i am.    [ it was clear he put a lot of thought into it— of course he did. atlas was his BEST FRIEND and it hadn’t felt like it lately. HE WANTED HIM BACK. ]    you can even take the couch, if you want it. i know it’s not.. in the best condition, but it’s a helluva lot better than the floor.
            *   ignore that it isn’t his birthday anymore, i’m sticking this out!!!


⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀sour   patch   kids..   you're   my   favorite.      [     he   hummed,   looking   at   the   spread   out   before   him.    ]     sleep   over?   of   course.     [     he   grinned,   looking   over   at   benny.    this   clearly   meant   a   lot   to   benny,   so   he   could   suck   it   up   and   celebrate.   just   like   old   times.     ]


@FELlNED ⠀ ╱ ⠀⠀ it’s not just another day of the week, it’s your birthday and i wanted to do something special for you. i even made all of your favorite snacks, picked out your favorite movies— the whole works.  ( … )  i don’t know, i figured we could have a sleep over or whatever. you know, like we used to.