People can be so disrespectful. If you must critique people's work, can you at least put your concerns across politely? Constructive criticism stops being constructive when you're just relentlessly bitching about somebodies hard work. And most of the time people are mad over the most ridiculous things. This is a creative app, creativity shows in different ways for each person! Their works are all different and it's almost like a trademark, you can tell who's work you're reading sometimes just by the writing style, the format, or the art used and the way they use words and text symbols, it's what makes it THEIR work. Everybody has a style, just respect it, even if it's not "how I would have written it" That person worked hard on their story and that writing style suits them and possibly other people out there, just because it doesn't suit YOU, it doesn't mean it's wrong. Same with artists and singers, you might not like their paintings or their songs but for somebody else, it's perfect so just show some respect for the effort they put into their work and if you must critique, do remember your damn manners.

@crawlout Preach. I actually had someone tell me I was ruining my own book. Just delete their rude comments.

@ crawlout I agree completely! The "this is now how I would've written it" irks me like crazy. With all due respect, they should just go and write their own work then. It's even worse when people say someone cant take criticism if they get upset. Uh, yes I can, I welcome it. But make sure then that it's constructive and not destructive criticism. Smh.