
i know i haven’t updated in 4 months.. but updates will be coming soon!


GUYS ik i said i was gonna update today, but my first day of school is tomorrow so i’ve been a little busy. i’m halfway done with a new death do us apart chapter and almost done with a new immunity chapter!!


it’s suicide prevention month. 
          on average, there are 132+ suicides daily. that is 132+ people with parents, siblings, and friends. 
          be kind. if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
          you never know what someone is going through. you never know how there life is at home. everybody has thoughts and feelings that need to be considered.
          check up on your friends, save a life.
          don’t suffer in silence. 
          if you ever need anyone to talk to, my dms are open. for me to respond quicker, my tiktok is ‘crazeeie.’ 
          it’s okay to ask for help, everyone does at some point. i won’t judge.
          i would rather sit and talk to you for hours then you taking your life.
          suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. no matter how bad it seems, life goes on. tomorrow is a new day filled with new opportunities. happiness is hiding just up the road.
          be kind. say something nice to someone today.