
Hey it’s been a minute! How’s everybody doing?
          	I hope that you’re all healthy and taking care<3


Let’s play a game!
          Describe your life/ dating life/ or self (personality) using a movie, book or song title. 
          I’ll go first:
          My personality can be described as the song “She’s so sweet but a psycho” because although I am nice, I can sometimes act crazy around my friends (in the best way possible-not clinically). However, I do love to joke that that song is my autobiography. What’s yours?


So I’ve been a little MIA. Sorry about that. I just wanted to spread a small word of wisdom for anybody that may be struggling with challenges or inner battles as life can get tough sometimes (especially in the middle of a pandemic). So to those who need a little uplifting quote keep in mind that these things/monsters/ obstacles/ challenges or whatever you want to call them, DON’T control you. You control the direction of your life. You have the power to make the results that you want. It is in your hands. You can do it, I believe in you. 
          Try to “Approach challenges with enthusiasm and you’ll receive enthusiastic results”. 
          I know it’s easier said than done but trust me it helps. There’s a million and one things I could say right now but I wanted to leave whoever is reading this, with this thought. If you ever feel down or feel like things are getting hard and you’re in need of a cheerleader, just know that there is always going to be someone across the world cheering you on and believing in you (that’s me).
          Enjoy. Spread love, stay positive and safe! And feel free to share motivational quotes or just quotes that you like in general (funny memes are also acceptable) in the comments below Have a great day or night wherever you are. 


Hello all! As none of you may know, I’m a new Kpop and BTS fan (since last summer or September 2020 to be more precise). My bias is Taehyung and my bias wrecker is the one and only Yoongi. But I’m currently going through a Jungkook phase atm (don’t know why but he’s got this effect on me and I’m kind of liking it) and I’m looking for a really good fan fic. If anybody wants to recommend one, that would be great:) I’m a little bit annoying when it comes to choosing a book. Normally I’ll just choose one with a good storyline but a must, is that it has good English in it. If there are minor mistakes it’s fine but sometimes I really can’t read books that were written quickly and not corrected (I’m not hating on those who actually make an effort though). Any recommendations?


Ps. Feel free to recommend any other fan fics as well. I love reading and I’m open to almost anything :)


Soo I know my account says otherwise (I started out on here as a directioner) but now I’m getting into kpop and hardcore loving it! (Yes Ik I’m super late to the game. Sue me, I live under a rock). I didn’t put much thought into my first message. I just wanna state one thing to all the army’s out there. Am I the only one that feels the need to listen to I’m Fine by BTS whenever I see or hear the word Gwenchana?? I freaking love that word and idk why! It’s probably my fav Korean word. My second is Pabo hehehe. 
          They’re just cute in the way they sound tbh. What do you guys think?
          Ps. May delete this later. Don’t know why I’m posting it but yah. Here it is. 


Ahh thanks for answering! I was gonna delete this post ahaha but yah Pabo always makes me laugh. I’m at a point where I’ve watched so many bts vids and read so many fan fics that I mentally use their vocabulary. I called myself a Pabo the other day after I made a stupid mistake


@crazy4thatirishlad awww we both may sound weird but they are cute lmao, and everytime someone says pabo I get reminded of pabo