It's never her words that will tell you her story,
But her silence that speaks volumes.
Sometimes, rest cannot heal a weary heart, though her mind is alive and spirited..
Yet her depths are bone tired in a way that sleep cannot remedy, nor could she explain if she wanted.
Her eyes scream her truths where her words sometimes do not, she hides all her anguish and love behind the walls she's built to protect herself.
She's overcome heartache and struggle with a soul forged of fire and a courage born of necessity, so don't expect her to tear down her walls easily.
She's fought for who and what she has, so she'll break her ship upon the shore of solitude before she ever allows someone close to her heart that doesn't deserve her.
So, when you hear what she says and try to understand her words, just know that her unspoken truth is her greatest pride and most fiercely prized part of herself.
She'll put on a brave smile and a gentle facade because that's how she survives some days- on pure bravery and strength of will.
She didn't choose to be the way she is, life pushed her across a broken road that she learned to survive and somehow, she found a way to thrive in the process.
Truth is, she doesn't want or need anyone to understand who she is behind closed doors..her heart is just too fragile to risk being broken again.
Deep down, she wants to love, but she's afraid the next person will be just like the last one who broke her before.
So, she's content to live her life and celebrate her small victories along the way.
She doesn't need fanfare or attention to be happy, she just needs contentment, peace and serenity.
So, before you knock on the door to her soul, know that she's a beautiful mess and a wonderful disaster, but she'll never be easy..
But one thing is for certain,
Her soulful depths and passionate love are unforgettable.. and no matter what,
She'll always be worth any price you may have to pay..
To uncover the true beauty of a woman.
  • JoinedSeptember 18, 2020

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